The RS-Spectroscope attaches to an eyepiece to spread light from stars and nebulae into a rainbow of colors, colors that provide a whole new way to enjoy astronomy. Astronomers analyze the rainbows of stars – analyze the colors present and the colors missing – to decode the message in starlight, a message that reveals the true nature of stars, nebulae and the universe. Use the RS-Spectroscope to experience what astronomy textbooks only describe. Discover the absorption and emission lines that fingerprint the chemical makeup of stars and nebulae. See the OBAFGKM spectral sequence in living color. Visualize the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram that arranges stars by luminosity, size, temperature, pasts, presents and futures.
The RS-Spectroscope attaches easily to eyepieces including Televue, Guan Shen (imported and rebranded by a lot of companies) Meade, Celestron and Explore ScientificåÊeyepieces that have rubber eyecup. It works best with eyepieces with long eye relief (e.g., 20mm and greater). It can also attach to eyepieces that are flat at the top. Low power and longer focal length are useful.
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